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Grammar Basics



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How to form the Present Subjunctive

The Subjunctive 3-part formula in detail

The Subjunctive Weirdo: When to use the Subjunctive

Other constructions where we need to use the Subjunctive

When NOT to use the Subjunctive

Colby: Present Subjunctive Practice

Although I expect that you are doing all of the Grammar Notes and textbook readings as well as the online activities and homework, I cannot stress enough the importance of doing so now. The Subjunctive is a form that does not have a simple counterpart in English. The only way to become comfortable with the Subjunctive is to practice.

Spanish 101A

Spanish 101B

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We DO NOT use subjunctive to express facts, beliefs, truth, certainties or the obvious.
Creo que la película "Up" es excelente. I believe/think (FOR A FACT) that the movie "Up" is excellent.
No hay duda que UNC-Chapel Hill tiene un equipo de baloncesto excepcional. There is no doubt that UNC-Chapel Hill has an exceptional basketball team.
Es obvio/ cierto/ verdad/ hecho que los perros son mejores que los gatos It's obvious, certain, true, a fact dogs are better than cats.

Yo sé que mis estudiantes estudian mucho.

Tú sabes que dos más dos son cuatro.

I know (FOR A FACT) that my students study a lot.

You know (FOR A FACT) that two plus two is four.

Pensar & Creer in Spanish express certainty, unlike the English "to think" or "to believe" which can be used to express uncertainty.

We also do not use the subjunctive when discussing people or things we know exist:

Hay una secretaria que habla español. There is a secretary who can speak Spanish.
Busco al hombre que tiene la llave. I'm looking for the guy who has the key.
[I know there is such a guy; he exists.]