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Con & the Prepositional Pronouns

Estudio con él I study with him
Estudio contigo I study with you

As you know, the Prepositional Pronouns look exactly like the Subject Pronouns except for the Yo and forms. When we the preposition Con("with"), the Yo and forms are even more different:

We say conmigo "with me" and contigo ["with you" -familiar] rather than *con mi or*con ti.

Be cautious that you do not use the Subject pronouns (Yo or Tú) with "con". Unfortunately, ** con yo is a very offensive word. You want to be very careful not to make this mistake.

Consigo is used when referring to "with him/her/yourself" or "with them/yourselves."

Para + Prepositional Pronoun

The expression Para + Prepositional Pronoun can be used to reflect your opinion of something:

Para mí, Medium es un programa muy interesante.

Para mi hermana, el programa House es muy divertido.

Para nosotras, Top Chef es el programa más fantástico del mundo.

Para mí, el deporte más fascinante del mundo es la equitación.

Pero, para el Sr. del Prado, el deporte más importante es el béisbol.

De and Prepositional Pronouns

Do not make the contraction del with de and él. Él has an accent which differentiates it from the word the "el." This accent gives it pronunciation weight in the face of a preposition.

¿Qué piensas de ella? What do you think about her? [your opinion]
¿Qué piensas de él? What do you think of him?
¿Qué piensas del carro nuevo de Eric? What do you think of Eric's new car?

Only de + el (the singular article "the" which does not have an accent) makes the contraction del.

Please note that the Subject pronouns yo and are used with the following prepositions: Entre (between) Incluso (including) Salvo (except)