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Spanish 101A

Spanish 101B

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The numbers in Spanish are straightforward with only a few spelling changes to remember.

The numbers from 0-30 are written as one word, for example: uno, dos, tres...veintiocho, veintinueve, treinta.

The numbers from 31-99 are written as three words separated by "y". For example: treinta y uno, treinta y dos, treinta y tres...noventa y siete, noventa y ocho, noventa y nueve.

99 is the last number to use "y" in it.

100 is simply "cien". When we add to 100, cien changes to ciento: ciento uno (101) ciento dos(102).

ciento uno
ciento dos
ciento tres
ciento cuatro
ciento cinco
ciento veintitrés
ciento cuarenta y ocho
ciento noventa y nueve
  • The numbers 200-900 are one word
  • When they are used as adjectives, the numbers 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, and 900 will change their endings to "-as" when referring to a feminine noun:
    • doscientas sillas
    • BUT doscientos libros
doscientos (-as)
trescientos (-as)
cuatrocientos (-as)
quinientos (-as)
seiscientos (-as)
setecientos (-as)
ochocientos (-as)
novecientos (-as)
  • The number "thousand" is invariable, meaning it does not change form
  • When referring to a million or millions of things, use "de" before the noun:
    • Dos millones de estudiantes
  • Remember that the accent on millón is removed when it is made plural
mil  1,000 
tres mil  3,000 
cien mil  100,000 
quinientos mil  500,000 
un millón (de + noun)  1,000,000
dos millones (de + noun)  2,000,000


In writing numbers, Spanish commonly uses a period where English uses a comma, and vice-versa:
  English: $121,250.50 = Spanish: $121.250,50   Remember this when you are shopping and looking at prices since in many Hispanic countries prices are in the hundreds or in the thousands (pesos, etc.) for regular items like foods, books, and clothing.

Years are not broken into two digit groups but are said as the entire number:

1989 (in English: Nineteen eighty-nine) is Mil novecientos ochenta y nueve.

Remember that any form of uno drops it's "o" when used as an adjective:

Hay veintiún estudiantes. Tengo treinta y un años. Hay ciento un perros.