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Spanish 101A

Spanish 101B

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Just like pretty much everywhere on this planet, there are seven (7) days of the week in Spanish.

However, as in much of Europe, the days of the week begin with Monday in Hispanic countries, rather than Sunday. So the week runs from Monday through Sunday on calendars.

Be careful when glancing at a calendar. Since we are accustomed to the first block that we see being Sunday, we may schedule an event for the wrong date.

The most important things to remember about the days of the week are that

  • Like months and seasons, the days of the week in Spanish are not capitalized.
lunes: Monday
martes: Tuesday
miércoles: Wednesday
jueves : Thursday
viernes: Friday
sábado: Saturday
domingo: Sunday
  • All days of the week are masculine

el lunes, el martes, el miércoles, el jueves, el viernes, el sábado, el domingo

  • To say that you are doing something "on a certain day or days"

You will use the definite articles (el, los) to express this. For example,

I study on Fridays. (Yo) estudio los viernes.
I will start on Monday. Empiezo el lunes.
Mondays and Wednesdays I have Spanish class. Los lunes y los miércoles tomo la clase de español.
  • To say that "Today is Monday,"

we do not need to use an article - just as in English: Hoy es lunes.