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Grammar Basics



Spanish 101A

Spanish 101B

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Click on the bulleted links below to find more vocabulary on each topic.

Enamorarse (de), estar enamorado (de) to fall in love (with), to be in love (with) [to become enamoured of]
Desear to desire, to want
Querer to love affectionately, to love
Amar to love passionately
[When used with people] to find sensually or sexually attractive
La pareja the couple
La boda, el casamiento, el matrimonio the wedding, the marriage, the wedding couple
El apellido de soltera, la soltería maiden name, bachelorhood
El estado civil Civil status
Casarse (con), casado/a (con) to marry/get married (to), married (to)
Estar en estado, estar embarazada to be expecting, to be pregnant
Dar a luz, el parto, el nacimiento, adoptar to give birth, childbirth, birth, to adopt
La fe de nacimiento, la fecha de nacimiento birth certificate, birthdate
Romper con to break up with

Divorciarse (de), divorciado/a,

to divorce or to get divorced (from), divorced
Ex-esposo, ex-esposa ex-husband, ex-wife
Viudo, viuda widower, widow
Los novios, el novio, la novia engaged people/the bridal couple, groom, bride
Los suegros, el suegro, la suegra parents-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law
El cuñado, la cuñada brother-in-law, sister-in-law
El yerno, la nuera, político/a son-in-law, daughter-in-law, In-law = related by marriage