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Grammar Basics



Spanish 101A

Spanish 101B

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You can use either of the verbs Beber or Tomar to say "To Drink". The difference is that Beber specifically means "to Drink", while Tomar corresponds to the English verb "to Have" when we say we "have" a coffee or "have" a snack
At the winery en el café
las bebidas, los refrescos (las gaseosas) Drinks, soft drinks (Sp.)
el jugo (zumo) de (naranja, pomelo/(toronja) juice (juice,Sp.) (orange, grapefruit/(Sp.& Venezuela)
jugo de tomate, limón, lima, mosto tomato, lime, lemon, grape juice
la cerveza de barril, embotellada, marca draft beer, bottled, brand
La caña de cerveza beer in a sort of pilsner (but thinner) glass
la sidra, el orujo hard cider, everclear (grain)
el vino de marca, de mesa, corriente brand wine, table, regular
de garrafa, peleón carafe, bulk
el vino tinto, clarete, rosado, blanco, seco, semiseco, dulce red, claret, rosé, white, dry, wet, sweet wine
una copa de vino, un chato, (un chiquito) glass of wine, shot [small glass] (Sp)
el trago, el sorbo, sorber swig/gulp, sip, to sip
el agua, el agua mineral, con gas, sin gas, corriente water, mineral water, carbonated, still, tap
la botella, media botella, botellín, hielo 750 ml., half bottle, splits, ice
el cóctel de guisqui, de ginebra whiskey cocktail, gin
la combinación de___con coca-cola, 7-up, etc. mixed drink with _____ [liquor] and coca-cola, 7-up etc.
cuba libre, beber en bota/en porrón rum and coca-cola, drink from wineskin
frío, del tiempo, caliente cold, room temperature, warm/hot
la champaña, el champán, el ron, el jerez champagne, champagne, rum, sherry
la manzanilla chamomille tea or dry sherry
el café con leche, solo, cortado, el té 1/2 coffe & 1/2 milk, black, demitasse, tea
el café americano, cubano watered down expresso, thick sweet expresso
la tila, la limonada lime blossom tea, lemonade