19 agosto | 20 agosto |
21 agosto
22 agosto
Example of a typical day:vText: pp. 2-6 This means read pages 2-6 in the interactive VHL vText (same pages in the PDFs in Canvas). drlemon info: You click on the drlemon Website topic above to read more information on the topic. |
23 agosto
Example of a test Day:If you see: Prueba / CHAPTER test it means on this day we have reached the end of a chapter and the online quizzes are scheduled for this timeframe. (There isn't one today - This is an example listing.) |
26 agosto
Capítulo 1 vTextbook: read pp. 1-5 drlemon info: Nuevos Encuentros: Saludos y despedidas (click here to read more and find practice games!) |
27 agosto | 28 agosto
vTextbook: pp. 6-9 drlemon info: |
29 agosto | 30 agosto
vTextbook: pp. 10-15 drlemon info: Los pronombres personales (subject pronouns) Adjetivos & Adjetivos de nacionalidad