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Grammar Basics



Spanish 101A

Spanish 101B

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Direct Objects are not only things, but can also be people and ideas.

Let's take a look at an example of a person as a direct object.

Keanu besa a la profe.

Now let's examine the components of the sentence.

Keanu He is the subject of the sentence - the person in charge of (driving) the verb.
besa This is the verb (and as a transitive verb, it transfers action to an object, and so it requires an object)
a la profe this is the direct object (she receives all the action of the verb): The profe is whom Keanu is kissing. The profe is being kissed. And since she is a sentient being, she gets a Personal A.

Now replace the Direct Object [the profe] with a Direct Object Pronoun [la]:

Keanu la besa.

Let's look at an example of an idea or concept as a Direct Object:

Keanu dice que hay una fiesta esta noche en la casa de Patty.

Keanu He is the subject of the sentence - the person in charge of the verb Decir [to tell].
dice This is the verb
que hay una fiesta esta noche en la casa de Patty. this is the direct object introduced by the conjunction que ("that".) This is the information that Keanu is telling. All of this information is the Direct Object. Ideas and Concepts are replaced by the singular masculine lo.

Keanu lo dice.

Keanu dice [que hay una fiesta esta noche en la casa de Patty.]

¿Quién lo dice? [Who is saying that?]

¡Keanu lo dice! [Keanu is saying that!]